What’s a mom morning routine?
It’s an intentional. Life giving. Series of activities. That jumpstart your mom morning like nothing did before. This is not a list of things that will take hours. This is not a list of things that are hard. This is a list of things that are intentionally selected to make your morning better, mama. They are things that you do for you.
I do these 7 things before 7am because I am a better human, wife, coworker, MOM, when I do.
1. Workout
This is my very favorite way to start the day. Working out is the beginning of my mom morning routine. It’s bright and early and jumpstarts my energy. Working out first thing reminds me that I can do anything. And it’s the best way to kick morning blah and take control of my morning.
2. Drink water
I’m totally going to be that person that reminds you how important drinking water is for your skin, mood, hair, and overall health and well being. I aim to have a bottle of water done by the end of my workout and another bottle by the time 7am hits.
3. Make coffee + breakfast
I don’t miss breakfast because breakfast is my first chance to fuel my body with something nutritious.
If you don’t already, add this to your mom morning routine! And don’t be intimidated. Breakfast can mean something different to everyone and even the same person at different times in their life. It can be tea and a granola bar. Coffee, eggs, and toast. Whatever fits your fancy. If you asked me a year ago what my breakfast was, it would have been bulletproof coffee, if you ask me now, it’s coffee and oatmeal with banana, raisins, and peanut butter.
4. Read
Yes, I am a life long read the book and listen to the podcast person. I want to grow. So reading (or listening) is part of my me time each morning. It’s intentional growth time. Sometimes it’s a book on Audible or a Podcast, other times it’s my bible study, and other times it’s an article from a blogger or educator that I follow.
5. Shower + wash my face
Obviously the fact that I workout in the morning makes this necessary. But a morning shower is like hitting refresh. And washing your face. Then putting on moisturizer. Ahhhhhh.
6. Make the bed
NEVER underestimate the power of making your bed.
Making your bed each morning is a punch of visual calm and refresh. And it’s a small act of discipline that can cascade into other parts of your life.
7. Get ready for work
Call me vain. Call me crazy. Say “that doesn’t matter to me”. But I have a better day when my hair is done, my (minimal) makeup is on, and I have real clothes on (yes, leggings are real clothes). So I get ready every morning. Some days have more effort than others, but I get ready. I get ready because I want to tackle and attack each day to be the best. And to do that I need to feel my best.
Make your mom morning routine work for you
These seven things are a fantastic start to any mom morning routine, but I’ve noticed the most important part of a morning routine is making it something you will stick to. These might not be the things that make your morning get the kickstart it needs, but maybe they are — or maybe one of them are. Cheers to finding your perfect routine.