Have you ever caught someone doing something great?
Since moving, I take a new way to work every morning. It’s fairly straight forward. I take main roads so I can drop Hayes off at daycare and then weave my way through the path of least resistance further and further east into the beginnings of downtown Kalamazoo while listening to the news and eventually pull into Maestro’s parking lot.
Soon after adopting this route, I noticed that I would see the same woman as I turned onto Park Street each morning, sometime between 7:00am and 7:30am. Without fail she would be there walking on Park Street, briskly, bundled or not to meet the demands of whatever Michigan weather decided to show up that day. And it’s been unseasonably cold so most likely bundled. After a while I knew it couldn’t be coincidence that I saw her each and every morning, I mean what are the chances that we would hit that timing each morning if she were just walking to work? No. This woman walks the block every morning and from what I can see, she’s walking with purpose.
What a boss.
After this realized I’ve noticed that whenever I see her, I goofy smile in the car thinking about her and get a little girl power proud about how cool it is that she’s made a commitment to herself to get up each morning before work to better herself. Habits can be truly awesome. I know I’m making a lot of assumptions about this woman, but, you guys you should see her focus when she’s walking. She’s content, but driven. Happy, but not yet satisfied. She’s getting up each morning and making self-care happen for herself (!!!).
p.s. if you’re out there and you somehow are reading this, keep it up, you are inspiring me with your dedication.