Hey, girl! I’m Sydney Nordquist aka ‘syd.nord’
I made this blog for the Type A mom that has slowly loosened the reigns in her adult life and wants nothing more than to L I V E a full life with her family and truly enjoy. That’s me. It’s not that I’ll ever stop being Type A, it’s in my blood and obvioulsy hard coded into who I am as a human being. But I want to strike the balance of getting sh*t done and enjoying the heck out of life. I want to find peace in the messy chaos of motherhood. I want to roll with it. But I also want to know I’m doing the best I can for myself and my family. Bascially, I’m a habits and happiness nerd.
Most of what I share on this blog is about easy meals and meal planning (saving time for the good stuff), self-care (if we aren’t good, how can we expect the life around us to be?). I even created notepads to help with those very things! I love how systems can create space and time for the very best parts of life. Thanks for joining 🙂 I’m excited to see you here.
More about me.
My husband and I met through mutual friends at our local run camp, it was not love at first sight.
I played collegiate volleyball at The University of Virginia (wahoowa!) and Charlottesville is still one of my favorite places in the entire world.
My dog has more Instagram followers than I do (@milesoberlin), but he’s super handsome so I understand why.
Besides this little slice of the Internet, I’m a full-time Marketing Director at Maestro, which is a dang good work-from-home gig.
My husband and I have a goal to travel to all 50 states together, we’re about a quarter of the way there.
Before switching to Marketing, I was planning on getting my Master’s degree in dietetics.
I am a people person but feel incredibly recharged after spending time alone, even if it’s just a few hours at a coffee shop reading.
Bitter drinks are my favorite. IPAs, gin + tonics and grapefruit juice.
I could kiss whoever at American Eagle decided to make extra long jeans.