Amazon hacks are a real thing! It wasn’t until recently when I was chatting with someone on Instagram about the money we saved buying our nugget ice machine on Amazon (OBSESSED, by the way) that I realized not everyone knows about the hacks on Amazon to save money! My husband and I have been using these for the past few years and have saved on many big-ticket items (and the smaller ones too!). It’s really easy, you just have to know what to look for and where to search.
Two easy-peasy Amazon hacks to save money
Search on Amazon Warehouse
Sometimes hacks for Amazon start with your search bar. That’s right. Did you know there are multiple ways to search on Amazon? Just like you might search within a category — say, “Halo Sleep Sack” under the “Baby” category — you can also search within Amazon Warehouse. Amazon Warehouse is like the TJ Maxx of Amazon. Things that are overstocked, they were sent back so the boxes are damaged, etc. all live on Amazon Warehouse. Whenever I go to purchase something I sneak a peak in Amazon Warehouse first. You might find your item or a similar items for half the price!
How do I search within Amazon Warehouse?
It’s super easy, you just have to remember to search in the right spot! To search on Amazon Warehouse, you can go directly to or within your search bar on Amazon type in “Amazon Warehouse”.

Then hit enter and it will automatically change to the Warehouse category.

Scroll down to the used or renewed pricing
Second on my list of Amazon tricks and hacks is the way we got our nugget ice maker for $100 less than the original price. All you have to do is scroll down, past the list price of your item and look for the “used” or “renewed” price.
Here’s the “renewed” price looks on desktop

Here’s the “used” price on mobile

In our experience “used” or “renewed” basically means that there is a slight, usually unnoticeable flaw on the item. In the case of our ceiling fans, the box had previously been opened. In the case of our nugget ice maker, there was a small dent in the back (that you can’t see unless you are looking at the back, which we never are).