I hope I can continue to add to this list of the best podcasts for moms that want to grow. And since that title made you at least a little bit curious I bet you’re going to love these because you’re a lot like me.
I find it pretty cheesy to say out loud — so forgive me if you cringe while reading this — but I’ve always identified with the phrase “life long learner”. Whatever I end up doing with my life, which seems to evolve each year, I want to continue to grow. I want to feel myself becoming a better version of me each and everyday. I don’t like feeling static, but I love the feeling of learning about something that helps me be a better me.
One of the ways that I build personal development into my day is by listening to podcasts and audiobooks. It’s one of those things I like to multitask alongside my chores. I listen to a variety of topics: motherhood, personal development, marketing, health, business, parenting, and some just for fun. I like to switch it up depending on my mood and since most podcasts publish only once or twice a week it lends itself nicely to switching it up and it’s really nice to have fresh content. I’m always looking for fun new recommendations to keep things interesting and keep growing so I figured you probably are too!
I’ll skip the super businessy ones for now, here are my best podcasts for moms that want to grow like me (and you)!
Live Free Creative
I loved Miranda’s book More Than Enough and I have been hooked on her Podcast ever since. Miranda was sick of all of the stuff in her family’s life and decided to do a major purge of all of the things that they didn’t need and live for a full year without buying anything but consumables (toilet paper, food, soap, etc.). Yes. A full year of no clothes, toys, or impulse Threshold decor purchase.
Her story was really inspiring to me because I’ve always felt overwhelmed by lots of stuff and the more stuff you have the more stuff you have to clean. Less stuff simplifies everything and by default encourages you and your family to have more experiences and imagination instead of things.
Her podcast is kind of like a continuation of the principles that she covers in her book. I would definitely recommend reading the book and digging into her Podcast if you’ve seen your parents basement storage and thought “I do not want to have that much stuff when I’m older”. It will help you grow into a person who really understands the things that are most important in their life.
Episodes to start with
#59 Less Stuff Equals More Focus
#76 Strategies to Stay Stress-Free
I really enjoy this podcast. I consider it my kick in the butt for the week because the tone is really straightforward and has high energy. I also really like that her episodes are usually around 15-20 minutes. I like longer Podcasts too, but for this subject matter, it’s perfect! Sometimes Kacia gets into business mode, but most of the time she’s just reminding you to ROCK YOUR LIFE. Be you. Trust yourself. You can do anything.
Like I said, it’s my weekly kick in the butt. Worth an episode or two to see if it could be yours too.
Episodes to start with
123. Screw GOOD; It’s time for GREAT!
106. Committing to LIVING LIFE on PURPOSE!
Rise Podcast
If you are a mom and you haven’t heard of Rachel Hollis or her books “Girl Wash Your Face” and “Girl, Stop Apologizing” I’d be shocked. Her books focus on empowering woman to take control over their journey and go after what they want. Even though it took years and years of hard work to get where she is today, it felt like she became a household name overnight. Over her journey building her businesses she became really into helping other entrepreneurs do the same thing — this podcast is a bunch of thoughts, concepts, and interviews that help you get up and GO GET IT. I think most episodes are helpful even if you’re not an entrepreneur.
Episodes to start with
130: How to Stop Caring What Other People Think with Ben Horowitz
125: How to Supercharge Your Morning Routine
Productivity Paradox
This hits the list of best podcasts for moms that want to grow because, hello, productivity junkie over here! I bet this one isn’t surprising to any of you. When I started to get into Podcasts I did a “productivity” search and landed on this. It’s a little buttoned up for my style (I’m a fan of a more conversational tone), but I really align with a lot of the content and I appreciate that she has very clear takeaways.
Episodes to start with
156: Why You Don’t Need as Much Time as You Think
115: Finding the Courage to Go After What You Really Want
Mom Brain
This podcast is hosted by Hilaria Baldwin (Alec Baldwin’s wife) and Daphne Oz (Dr. Oz’s daughter). They cover a wide range of topics from postpartum to how to deal with a picky eater and they mix it up between episodes with just the two of them and interview style episodes. The topics get me thinking about all different facets of motherhood and help me feel more aware when it comes to general mom and women’s health things — plus, they’re a fun duo even with occasionally heavy topics!
Episodes to start with
14. Finding Order in the Chaos with Julie Morgenstern
11. You Asked We Answered – Mom Mail #6 (How Do I Spice Up My Marriage After Having Kids???)
The hosts of this show are basically comedians and their bestie vibe makes the show feel like a real conversation over a glass of wine rather than a Podcast created by two moms that now run a multi-million dollar company. This might seem like an unlikely add for “best podcasts for moms that want to grow“, but I love that they don’t take things too seriously. They laugh at themselves and talk very openly about real pains and gains of motherhood, potentially subjects that you never talk about, but likely think about. It’s sometimes ridiculous, but very relatable. It’s not buttoned up, but you still get something out of each show.
p.s. they are an equally good follow on Instagram as they are on their podcast, there little car videos crack me up.
Episodes to start with
#28 We Must Be Doing Something Right
The best podcasts for moms that want to grow — what have I missed?
It seems like everyone listens to podcasts now. I hear about them at work, with friends, on Instagram. And while I’m pretty sold on the ones I listed for you today, I’m SURE that I have missed many podcasts that are your go-to! Let me know what you consider the best podcasts for moms so I can share them (and add them to my list of listens)!