If you’re reading this you’re likely expecting a little babe into your household soon. Congratulations! If this is your first baby and you’re anything like I was, you’re incredibly excited for this new little addition to your family, but you’re also full of questions.
Some questions — like when do I go to the hospital once I’m in labor — no one can answer because it’s simply not in our control (don’t worry, I tried to get them answered too, lol). Others, like this question — how to get a free breast pump with insurance — can get answered without a problem. And again, if you’re like me, it’s nice to tackle the things you have control over. Let’s get into it!
Wait, I can get a free breast pump?
That was my first thought!
I’m an infant when it comes to the knowledge I have about insurance (guilty!) and I had no idea that I could get a breast pump through insurance, let alone get a free breast pump through insurance until I stumbled upon an ad while listening to The Birth Hour podcast.
Where to get breast pump through insurance?
Turns out YOU CAN get a free breast pump through insurance and there are several options. You can go directly through your insurance or you can use an intermediary, like Aeroflow Breast Pumps.
I typically avoid working directly with my insurance because I have found things tend to get more complicated than necessary, but that’s an option (sorry if you’re in insurance, I know you get a bad rap and you’re probably a lovely person)! If you’re looking for something that is incredibly simple and leaves as few steps as possible up to you (yes, please), I recommend using Aeroflow!
How does Aeroflow Breast Pump work?
Aeroflow works with your insurance to do all of the nitty gritty paper work and back and forth involved in getting your free breast pump.
Here are the three (easy) steps involved when you work with Aeroflow:
- Provide your insurance information to Aeroflow to figure out your breast pump coverage.
- Aeroflow verifies coverage and submits required paperwork.
- You pick a FREE breast pump based on your coverage or select an upgrade for additional cost.
Seriously, it’s that simple. I’m not sure how Aeroflow Breast Pump works everything out so smoothly and I do basically nothing, but it’s a real, legit thing! Here’s what the initial intake looks like on their site…

Simple, right?
The experience with Aeroflow was the best part
Aeroflow has an incredible service team. They email or call you (depending on your preference) throughout the entire process to keep you updated, from the first form fill to the delivery of your pump. The service representatives that I talked with were extremely conversational and helpful, but to the point and efficient.
Free breast pump through insurance AND FREE EXTRA PARTS!
Also, did you know that many insurance policies also cover replacement breast pump parts (shields, cords, etc.) twice after your original pump purchase if you are still breastfeeding / pumping? I would have had no idea and I would have missed the clean new supplies, but Aeroflow emailed me and asked if I wanted them because I was covered. When I said yes, they took care of everything and next thing I know there’s a package on my doorstep with new breast pump parts. AMAZING!
A note about your free breast pump delivery date so you’re not confused
Because of how insurance works, you won’t get your breast pump until about a month before your baby is due. That was weird to me and I got nervous it wasn’t coming, but it is! If you know you’re going to be delivering early communicate that to Aeroflow so they can coordinate an earlier delivery!
Can I get a free breast pump with insurance for second baby?
As I started to get all of my things together for baby number two I thought, can I get a free breast pump with insurance for second baby? Yes. You can! Again, Aeroflow can facilitate the entire process.
What breast pump should I get?
So. Many. Wonderful. Options!
With Hayes I paid to upgrade to a Medela Freestyle because I loved the idea of not being tied to an outlet. If you have the financial means, I would highly recommend it, I was really happy with it and the newest version is even smaller!

This time around there’s some cool new technology to look at. I am definitely intrigued by the hands-free, cordless versions that are out like Elvie, but I don’t think I’m going to pay for an upgrade since my Medela Freestyle is still I perfectly good shape. I’ll likely get a free breast pump that plugs into an outlet – like the Medela Pump In Style or Spectra S2PLUS and leave it at work so I only have to tote milk back and forth.
I had such a great experience with Aeroflow, I’m an advocate now
I only share with you the products, services, and companies that I’m impressed with and I was so impressed with my wonderful experience with Aeroflow, I decided to become an affiliate! They made everything extremely simple and I was so thankful for a no-brainer activity leading up to baby.
If you know of a friend that is expecting be sure to share this post with them so they can learn how to get a free breast pump with insurance — it’s easy peasy when you know the right place 😉
p.s. you might like to read these blogs next, take a look!
Elvie Pump Review — Everything You Need to Know