This pregnancy is stuck in the strange time warp that is quarantine. And let me tell you, I’m feeling it! I can’t decide if the second trimester was 2 years long or 2 days long. Just like the rest of the world, we’ve been adjusting to a new normal and it’s come with its challenges and silver linings. But regardless, here we are! The second trimester is officially over and I’m going to tell you alllllll about it.
How’s the baby?
We’re so thankful that baby has been nothing but healthy at our monthly appointments.
Jeff and I were both able to go to the 20-week ultrasound and see the little nugget flipping and turning around. The ultrasound tech confirmed what I had already been feeling — this is one active baby! We used the full hour to get everything done, which I’m pretty sure we did in half the time for Hayes. The tech actually said “I am so happy there’s only one in there, we wouldn’t have enough time with how much they are moving around.”
Considering how active of a kid Hayes is and how calm she was in the womb in comparison, this has definitely made me wonder if this baby is going to be a wild one.
How’s mama?
Overall, I have been doing really well! Some things seem to be quite similar to my pregnancy with Hayes — my rosacea and restless leg syndrome are so much worse during pregnancy, cereal is an easy thing to grab and eat when all else fails, and I’m still able to workout — thank goodness.
But some things are different. My hair doesn’t feel nearly as voluminous as it did with Hayes (super bummer), I’m craving Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Toffee Bar ice cream instead of coke slurpees from the gas station, and my bump is way rounder vs. the pointy bump I had with Hayes. Overall I feel this pregnancy more than I remember the first time, both physically and emotionally.
Is Hayes getting excited?
Hayes has been nurturing her baby doll since Christmas, reading books with babies and big sisters in them, and kissing and rubbing my belly to say hello to the baby. But I really don’t think Hayes understands what’s going to hit her come July. And honestly, the idea of Hayes not being an only child anymore makes me equal parts excited, for the friendship and love she’s going to gain, and emotional, because we’ll never get this one-on-one time with just Hayes ever again. I am cherishing this time with just her and luckily because of quarantine, I am getting lots of extra time, silver lining.
Is the nursery done?
We just started to do some light renovations to the nursery. We are converting the room that was an office for the previous owners to a nursery for us. I’m excited because in comparison to the mudroom project we are tackling, it’s going to be easy peasy. We’re painting the walls a lighter color, painting the built-in wall cabinets white (they are currently a dark wood), adding recessed lighting, a ceiling fan, a new rug, and wall art.
Otherwise, everything is hand-me-down or left over from Hayes’ nursery. The dresser was my Grandma’s, the crib was my family’s and has been in storage for decades, and the recliner and baskets are from Hayes’ og nursery. I’ll be sure to share updates as we have them! Doing this project
Is there anything you’re buying for baby #2?
Honestly, not much! Since we didn’t find out the gender with Hayes either we have plenty of gender neutral clothing options for the first few months so we’ll hold off on any clothing. And after reading More than Enough I’ve really embraced the fact that we don’t need that much stuff in our life. Less stuff means less stuff to clean, organize, and deal with! So there are only a few things we are getting for baby #2.
First, we bought a SnuggleMe Organic infant lounger on Black Friday last year. Since the Fisher Price Rock n’ Play got recalled and that was our go-to lounger during the day, I knew that would want another option. I looked into SnuggleMe, DockATot, and 4Moms Mamaroo swing and decided on a SnuggleMe lounger based on ease of use and simplicity.
Second, we have been searching Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist for a used Double BOB Jogger stroller. It’s not an immediate need, but definitely something we want to jump on when there is a good option.
I’ve had many people ask what I would get if I were a first time mom. I feel really good about the solid list of things that I used and loved and would recommend over and over again. I will put them into a post in case anyone is interested.
What kind of delivery are you hoping for?
Just like my pregnancy with Hayes, I certainly have a way I’d like my birth to go, but I’m fully aware that it’s not in my control and that I have to be open to when and how this baby decides they will be born. I remind myself of this if I start to have any fear around birth — arming myself with the knowledge of my options and embracing the unknown is all I can do.
If I’m able to, I’d like to deliver medication-free. Things went relatively smooth and fast with Hayes’ birth and I was able to give birth medication-free with my midwife in the hospital. It’s entirely too long, but if you want to read Hayes’ full birth story, it’s on the blog. The sparknotes? I started having “real” contractions (that I had to work through) in the late afternoon, we arrived at the hospital around 11pm, and Hayes was born at 12:53am.
The great debate: boy or girl?
You guys! I literally have no idea or gut feeling. +1 for my motherly instincts.
Let’s see if you have any guesses based on the facts…
- Heart rate about 140 bpm. Hayes was in the mid to upper 150s.
- Carrying low. I also carried low with Hayes. Let’s be honest I’m 6 feet tall with a long torso, it might just be my body.
- Belly is round. It was legit pointy with Hayes.
- TONS of movement. More than Hayes. I didn’t know what an active baby was until feeling this!
- Sick first trimester. Was nothing like that with Hayes.
- Craving sweets. Craved sweets with Hayes too, just different kinds.
- Breaking out. Same as with Hayes, unfortunately!
- Not so much on the beautiful hair. I did have bangin’ hair with Hayes.
Jeff is pretty convinced we’re having boy. He actually calls the baby by our boy name and usually forgets what the girl name is, lol! What’s your guess?
Boy! But a healthy baby is my wish and prayer for you!
Thank you, that is our prayer too!